Coalition Building and Youth Substance Abuse Prevention in West Hartford, CT
Tags Mental Health, Participatory Action Research, Science and Art, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth
ICR’s prevention program in West Hartford is a collaboration between the West Hartford Substance Abuse Prevention Commission, Institute for Community Research, West Hartford high school students and school administration, and community members.

Youth Participatory Action Research to Reduce Teen Substance Use in Meriden
Tags Community Alliances, Participatory Action Research, Science and Art, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth
This youth participatory action research (YPAR) program is a year round youth employment opportunity for economically disadvantaged youth in Meriden, Connecticut, funded by the Workforce Alliance, Inc.

CHAP: Serving Connecticut’s Traditional Artists and Their Communities
Tags Cultural Conservation, Science and Art
A longstanding program of the Institute for Community Research, the Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program (CHAP) serves as the state’s official folk and traditional arts initiative.

Xperience Project
Tags Health Disparities, Science and Art, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth
This unique study piloted a performance-based intervention in partnership with Hartford youth, who developed drug-prevention messages to incorporate into performances of local artists at live shows, then disseminated them via a CD and other media.

Good Oral Health Project
Tags Health Disparities, Older Adults, Science and Art,
This project was designed to build infrastructure for clinical and community-based training and research on geriatric oral health and to build a statewide oral health research alliance to promote geriatric oral health projects.
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