Good Oral Health: A Collaboration With Older Adults to Improve Oral Health
Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, Older Adults
The goal of GOH is to improve oral health self-management among older adults in senior housing.

Resilience Grows Here
Tags Community Alliances, Mental Health, Older Adults
Resilience Grows Here is a community-based veteran’s mental health initiative run by the Farmington Valley Health District.

VIP: Vaccination for Influenza Prevention
Tags Health Disparities, Older Adults
The purpose of this intervention study V.I.P.: Vaccinate for Influenza Prevention was to improve influenza vaccination rates among older, low-income, and minority adults who live independently in senior housing facilities in Hartford, CT. Nationally, this group has the highest risk for influenza, yet the lowest vaccination rates. The study utilized an empowerment model to build a residential public health committee that was trained in the benefits of flu vaccine. Facilitated by project staff, the committee received interactive flu education, conducted a two-month long flu campaign, and organized flu vaccination clinics. A pre-post evaluation in one intervention and one matched comparison building compared changes in knowledge, attitudes and rates of vaccine uptake among building residents.

AIDS Risk in Older Adult Senior Housing Residents
Tags HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Older Adults
The goal of this study was to explore the drug and sexual risks that contributed to the spread of HIV among minority, lower income adults living in senior housing and shelters in Hartford, CT and Chicago, IL. The study considered whether older adult buildings in neighborhoods where injection drug use is common can be central locations for high-risk activities and associated HIV transmission. Research results were used as a foundation for individual and group-based intervention strategies appropriate for this population.

Vaccinate for Influenza Prevention (VIP) Pilot Study
Tags Health Disparities, Older Adults
The purpose of Project V.I.P. was to develop materials and approaches for an intervention study designed to increase flu vaccination rates among low-income, ethnically diverse older adults living independently in senior housing in Hartford, CT. The study assessed a theory-driven, peer-led intervention to identify and remove barriers to influenza vaccination and evaluated the utility of a pre-post survey.

Good Oral Health Project
Tags Health Disparities, Older Adults, Science and Art, Specialized Methods
This project was designed to build infrastructure for clinical and community-based training and research on geriatric oral health and to build a statewide oral health research alliance to promote geriatric oral health projects.

Recipes for Life
Tags Mental Health, Older Adults, Participatory Action Research
“Recipes for Life” explored the ways in which older adults successfully cope with the aging process. Through an arts-based intervention, older adults shared life experiences and thoughts on successful aging.

Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Older Hartford Residents
Tags Health Disparities, Mental Health, Older Adults
This three-year study identified the predictors and prevalence of depression and anxiety in a residential community of older, primarily minority, adults living in public and private senior housing in Hartford, CT.
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