Institute for Community Research
Mental Health Work Image

Mental Health Work

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Rapid re-housing program for adults

Evaluation of a Rapid Re-Housing Program for Young Adults

Tags Mental Health, Youth

This project evaluates the impact of a youth-centric rapid re-housing program on the lives of young people involved, tracking participants’ outcomes (housing stability, emotional and physical health) in six-month increments for up to two years during and/or after engagement in the program.

West Hartford youth

Coalition Building and Youth Substance Abuse Prevention in West Hartford, CT

Tags Mental Health, Participatory Action Research, Science and Art, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth

ICR’s prevention program in West Hartford is a collaboration between the West Hartford Substance Abuse Prevention Commission, Institute for Community Research, West Hartford high school students and school administration, and community members.

Resilience grows here

Resilience Grows Here

Tags Community Alliances, Mental Health, Older Adults

Resilience Grows Here is a community-based veteran’s mental health initiative run by the Farmington Valley Health District.


Improving Access to Mental Health Services for Older Hartford Residents

Tags Health Disparities, Mental Health, Older Adults

This three-year study identified the predictors and prevalence of depression and anxiety in a residential community of older, primarily minority, adults living in public and private senior housing in Hartford, CT.

Recipe for life

Recipes for Life

Tags Mental Health, Older Adults, Participatory Action Research

“Recipes for Life” explored the ways in which older adults successfully cope with the aging process. Through an arts-based intervention, older adults shared life experiences and thoughts on successful aging.

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Erin Hazelwood

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