Youth Homelessness Simulation Model
Tags Specialized Methods, Youth
Participatory model building with partners, policymakers, and other stakeholders to create a tool useful in identifying interventions to eliminate youth homelessness in Connecticut.

Participatory System Dynamics Modeling to Simulate HIV Test-and-Treat Improvements
Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods
This study uses community participatory system dynamics (SD) group model building (GMB) and multiple data sources to build a SD computational/simulation model of the HIV care continuum in Greater Hartford, CT as a tool to reduce the epidemic.

HIV Community Viral Load (CVL) Study
Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods
This study is designed to engage multiple community stakeholders, including providers and people with HIV, to develop a comprehensive system dynamics model that can be used to understand how systemic processes affect HIV community viral load (CVL).

Building Youth Leadership Capacity in Food Justice Campaigns
Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, Participatory Action Research, Specialized Methods, Youth
ICR is working with food justice organizations across Connecticut to develop the next generation of leaders in the local food justice movement.

RDS Network and Peer Recruitment Dynamics
Tags Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention
Respondent Driven Sampling (RDS) has gained its popularity internationally for its cost effectiveness in reaching hidden populations and claimed ability to make unbiased population estimates.

Youth Participatory Action Research to Reduce Teen Substance Abuse in Meriden
Tags Community Alliances, Participatory Action Research, Science and Art, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth
This youth participatory action research (YPAR) program is a year round youth employment opportunity for economically disadvantaged youth in Meriden, Connecticut, funded by the Workforce Alliance, Inc.

Good Oral Health Project
Tags Health Disparities, Older Adults, Science and Art, Specialized Methods
This project was designed to build infrastructure for clinical and community-based training and research on geriatric oral health and to build a statewide oral health research alliance to promote geriatric oral health projects.

Translation of the Risk Avoidance Partnership (RAP) for Drug Treatment Clinic Implementation
Tags Community Alliances, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention
The goal of this 3-year study was to translate the Risk Avoidance Partnership (RAP) project for implementation in outpatient drug treatment clinics and to pilot test the modified intervention in two methadone clinics.

Multilevel Female Condom Intervention
Tags Community Alliances, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods
This 4-year study sought to enhance HIV prevention by increasing community-wide availability, accessibility, and support for use of the female condom to reduce transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections as well as pregnancy.

Food Fight!
Tags Health Disparities, Participatory Action Research, Specialized Methods, Youth
This innovative project continues ICR’s work with youth participatory action research, leadership development and promotion of social change in the area of food justice.

Xperience Project
Tags Health Disparities, Science and Art, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth
This unique study piloted a performance-based intervention in partnership with Hartford youth, who developed drug-prevention messages to incorporate into performances of local artists at live shows, then disseminated them via a CD and other media.
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