Institute for Community Research
Youth Homelessness Simulation Model

Youth Homelessness Simulation Model

Youth homeless simulation model

Community-Based System Dynamics Modeling as a Data-Driven Planning Tool for Ending Youth Homelessness in Connecticut

The 2018 Youth Count, a statewide survey of youth homelessness, estimated that over 5,000 unaccompanied youth (under the age of 25) are experiencing homelessness in Connecticut. The impact of homelessness on youth and society is extensive. Effectively addressing youth homelessness requires understanding the complex systems and dynamics affecting it. In order to gain a more complete understanding of these dynamics, there is need for a tool that can help stakeholders/policymakers see the entire system and determine the best strategies for solving the issue. The purpose of the study is to use participatory group modeling methods with stakeholders to build a data-driven simulation model that represents the system dynamics that impede efforts to end youth homelessness.

Project Description and Link to Model

Read the Project Description and view the model this work created here.


Please see the Phase 1 Executive Summary here.