Institute for Community Research
Community Alliances Work Image

Community Alliances Work

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CRA meeting

Community Research Alliance Capacity Building

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities

The focus of the Community Research Alliance (CRA) is to help define and create the infrastructure for equitable, good and sustainable community research partnerships and research on health and other disparities that is scientifically sound and immediately beneficial to the communities involved.

Preventing prescription misuse

Enhancing Community Capacity for Preventing Prescription Drug Misuse

Tags Community Alliances, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth

ICR is working with the West Hartford Substance Abuse Prevention Commission (WHSAPC) and community partners to develop a community needs assessment and strategic plan to reduce prescription drug misuse among West Hartford youth and young adults, with particular attention to minority, high-risk youth.

Young leaders

Youth Food Program Alliance

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, Participatory Action Research, Youth

The Youth Food Program Alliance brings together effective systems change, agriculture, and culinary programs working with young people across CT to build their abilities and resources.

cvl image

Participatory System Dynamics Modeling to Simulate HIV Test-and-Treat Improvements

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention,
Specialized Methods

This study uses community participatory system dynamics (SD) group model building (GMB) and multiple data sources to build a SD computational/simulation model of the HIV care continuum in Greater Hartford, CT as a tool to reduce the epidemic.


HIV Community Viral Load (CVL) Study

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods

This study is designed to engage multiple community stakeholders, including providers and people with HIV, to develop a comprehensive system dynamics model that can be used to understand how systemic processes affect HIV community viral load (CVL).

Good oral health project

Good Oral Health: A Collaboration with Older Adults to Improve Oral Health

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, Older Adults

The goal of GOH is to improve oral health self-management among older adults in senior housing.

sewing circle project

The Sewing Circle Project

Tags Community Alliances, Cultural Conservation

The Sewing Circle Project assists newcomer, refugee, and immigrant textile artists to produce and sustain their traditional art forms and share their work and cultural expressions with public audiences.

Food justice garden beds

Building Youth Leadership Capacity in Food Justice Campaigns

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities, Participatory Action Research, Specialized Methods, Youth

ICR is working with food justice organizations across Connecticut to develop the next generation of leaders in the local food justice movement.

Resilience grows here

Resilience Grows Here

Tags Community Alliances, Mental Health, Older Adults

Resilience Grows Here is a community-based veteran’s mental health initiative run by the Farmington Valley Health District.

Perceived risk of dental services to pregnant women on Medicaid

Assessing Perceived Risk of Dental Treatments for Pregnant Women on Medicaid

Tags Community Alliances, Health Disparities

This exploratory study was designed to examine barriers to the provision of allowable dental care to pregnant patients on Medicaid in Connecticut, despite the known benefits and safety of prenatal dental care.


Translation of the Risk Avoidance Partnership (RAP) for Drug Treatment Clinic Implementation

Tags Community Alliances, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention

The goal of this 3-year study was to translate the Risk Avoidance Partnership (RAP) project for implementation in outpatient drug treatment clinics and to pilot test the modified intervention in two methadone clinics.

Youth PAR

Youth Participatory Action Research to Reduce Teen Substance Use in Meriden

Tags Community Alliances, Participatory Action Research, Science and Art, Specialized Methods, Substance Abuse and Prevention, Youth

This youth participatory action research (YPAR) program is a year round youth employment opportunity for economically disadvantaged youth in Meriden, Connecticut, funded by the Workforce Alliance, Inc.

urban artists' initiative

Urban Artists’ Initiative (UAI): Urban Artists’ Initiative (formerly Inner City Cultural Development (ICCD) Project)

Tags Community Alliances, Cultural Conservation

The Urban Artists Initiative provided culturally and ethnically diverse artists and arts organizations in Connecticut with training, grants, mentors, technical assistance, and staff support needed to thrive and enrich the cultural health of their communities.

Drug use of urban lifestyles

HIV Prevention in High Risk Drug Use Sites: Project RAP

Tags Community Alliances, Cultural Conservation, Health Disparities, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention

This study investigated the efficacy and diffusion of a peer-led HIV prevention intervention, implemented by trained, active substance users in partnership with project staff. It was conducted in high-risk substance use settings. The subsequent longitudinal study investigated long-term behavioral effects of the peer-implemented HIV prevention program on trained active substance users and the substance-using contacts to whom they provided the intervention, diffusion of the intervention and its effects through substance-user social networks, and into substance-use sites in Hartford, CT. It also investigated the sustainability of the peer-led HIV prevention intervention.

Female condom

Multilevel Female Condom Intervention

Tags Community Alliances, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention, Specialized Methods

This 4-year study sought to enhance HIV prevention by increasing community-wide availability, accessibility, and support for use of the female condom to reduce transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections as well as pregnancy.

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Erin Hazelwood

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