The completion of the Ethnographer’s Toolkit (2nd edition) was celebrated at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, Canada, March 28 – April 2, 2016. Three sessions offered presentations...
News & Events
Jean and Stephen Schensul teach Global Health at Fudan University, Shanghai.
Drs. Jean and Stephen Schensul (ICR and UCONN-UCHC) were among six professors invited to teach in a special experimental higher education program at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, summer 2015. Their interactive 12...
Publications from ICR Researchers
ICR researchers have some new publications for 2015! Check out all our publications at Maitra S, Brault MA, Schensul SL, Schensul JJ, Nastasi BK, Verma RK & Burleson JA. (2015) “An Approach to Mental Health...
Check out our new webinar on Youth Participatory Action Research!
Check out our webinar on Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR): This 90-minute recorded webinar was developed for the Oregon Public Health Division to provide an introduction to YPAR for their grantees. YPAR is a...
The Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program joins the Connecticut Historical Society
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Margaret Weeks, Executive Director, Institute for Community Research, 860-278-2044 ext. 229, Jody Blankenship, Executive Director, Connecticut Historical Society, 860-236...
ICR and Lead by Example students hold an event on parent-teen communication
West Hartford high school students in the youth-led Lead by Example campaign, facilitated by ICR, hosted an event for parents of middle school students. “Opening Lines: A Student-Led Workshop for Parents on...