Institute for Community Research
Cultural Conservation Work Image

Cultural Conservation Work

Cultural conservation work header image
Sewing circle project

The Sewing Circle Project

Tags Community Alliances, Cultural Conservation

The Sewing Circle Project assists newcomer, refugee, and immigrant textile artists to produce and sustain their traditional art forms and share their work and cultural expressions with public audiences.


CHAP: Serving Connecticut’s Traditional Artists and Their Communities

Tags Cultural Conservation, Science and Art

A longstanding program of the Institute for Community Research, the Connecticut Cultural Heritage Arts Program (CHAP) serves as the state’s official folk and traditional arts initiative.

Urban artists' initiative

Urban Artists’ Initiative (UAI): Urban Artists’ Initiative (formerly Inner City Cultural Development (ICCD) Project)

Tags Community Alliances, Cultural Conservation

The Urban Artists Initiative provided culturally and ethnically diverse artists and arts organizations in Connecticut with training, grants, mentors, technical assistance, and staff support needed to thrive and enrich the cultural health of their communities.

Drug use of urban lifestyles

HIV Prevention in High-Risk Drug Use Sites: Project RAP

Tags Community Alliances, Cultural Conservation, Health Disparities, HIV AIDS Risk and Prevention

This study investigated the efficacy and diffusion of a peer-led HIV prevention intervention, implemented by trained, active substance users in partnership with project staff. It was conducted in high-risk substance use settings. The subsequent longitudinal study investigated long-term behavioral effects of the peer-implemented HIV prevention program on trained active substance users and the substance-using contacts to whom they provided the intervention, diffusion of the intervention and its effects through substance-user social networks, and into substance-use sites in Hartford, CT. It also investigated the sustainability of the peer-led HIV prevention intervention.

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Erin Hazelwood

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