HIV Prevention in High-Risk Drug Use Sites: Project RAP
This study informed the development and tested the efficacy and diffusion of a peer-led HIV prevention intervention, implemented by trained active substance users in partnership with project staff, and was conducted in high-risk substance use settings. Findings from the first study informed a subsequent study, which assessed the long-term behavioral effects of a peer-implemented HIV prevention program on trained active substance users and the substance use contacts to whom they provided information, diffusion of the intervention, and its effects through substance user social networks and into substance use sites in Hartford, CT. This subsequent study also focused on the sustainability of peer-led HIV prevention intervention. Findings from these studies informed the RAP Clinic Translation project.
Read the Project Abstract here.
Please read the project findings here.
Project Continuation Abstract
Please read the abstract for the continuation of this project here.
Dickson-Gomez, J., Weeks, M.R., Convey, M., & Li, J. (2011) Social psychological dynamics of enhanced HIV risk reduction among peer interventionists. Journal of Community Psychology, 39(4): 369-389. PMID25414528; PMC4235224.
Li, J.H., Weeks, M.R., Borgatti, S., Clair, S., and Dickson-Gomez, J. (2012) A social network approach to demonstrate the diffusion and change process of intervention from Peer Health Advocates to the drug using community. Substance Use and Misuse, 47:474-490. PMID22428816; PMC3740960.
Convey MR, Dickson-Gomez J, Weeks MR, and Li J. (2010). Altruism and peer-led HIV prevention targeting heroin and cocaine users. Qualitative Health Research. 20 (11):1546-1557. PMID: 20639354. PMC3566981.
Weeks, M.R., Convey, M., Dickson-Gomez, J., Li, J., Radda, K., Martinez, M. and Robles, R. (2009). Changing drug users’ risk environments: Peer Health Advocates as multi-level community change agents. In: Schensul, J.J and Trickett, E., eds. Multi-Level Community Based Culturally Situated Interventions, Special Issue, American Journal of Community Psychology 43 (3/4): 330-344. PMID: 19326208. PMC2883050.
Weeks, M.R., Li, J.H., Dickson-Gomez, J., Convey, M., Martinez, M., Radda, K., and Clair, S. (2009). Outcomes of a Peer HIV Prevention Program with Injection Drug and Crack Users: The Risk Avoidance Partnership. Substance Use and Misuse, 44: 253-281. PMID: 19142824. PMC2896279.
Weeks, M.R., Dickson-Gomez, J., Mosack, K.E., Convey, M., Martinez, M., and Clair, S. (2006). The Risk Avoidance Partnership: Training active drug users as Peer Health Advocates. Journal of Drug Issues 36(3): 541-570. PMID: 19337568. PMC2662598
Dickson-Gomez, J., Weeks, M.R., Martinez, M. and Convey, M. (2006). Times and places: Process evaluation of a peer led HIV prevention intervention. Substance Use and Misuse 41(5): 669-690. PMID: 16603454.
Dickson-Gomez, J., Weeks, M.R., Martinez, M. and Radda, K. (2004). Reciprocity and exploitation: Social dynamics in private drug use sites. Journal of Drug Issues, 34(4): 913-932.