Institute for Community Research
Unstably Housed Youth

Unstably Housed Youth

unstably housed youth

A Study of the Risks and Resilience of Unstably Housed Youth

This study sought to evaluate a web-based sampling program to improve its effectiveness when used among unaccompanied, unstably housed (UUH) youth, and to identify the social, ecological determinants of HIV risk for UUH youth in order to address the HIV prevention needs of UUH youth. Through the use of three focus groups with UUH Youth, the social connectedness of these young people was explored. Focus group participants (2) were hired and trained as research assistants, responsible for co-developing the study instruments, and for collecting and analyzing data. The study utilized multiple seeds in four study sites, engaging participants to respond to surveys and in-depth interviews.

Project Staff

Principal Investigator
Heather Mosher, Ph.D.
Research Scientist and Director of the Youth Action Hub

Community Principal Investigator
Shawn Lang
Director of Public Policy
AIDS Connecticut

Jianghong Li, M.D., M.S.
Senior Research Scientist

Research Assistants
Diana Fontaine
Natalie Garcia
Kenneth Plourd


Please read the study abstract here.


Please read the project findings here.